Frequently Asked Questions

Property Boundaries/ Surveys


Is my survey on record? or How do I record my survey?

Beginning in April of 1987, Utah Law required that all surveys be filed in the County Surveyor's Office. Your survey should be on file if it was performed by a licensed surveyor.

The word "record" is a loose term used by the Surveyor's Office to describe the act of filing a survey with our office. Surveys on file with the surveyor's office DO NOT automatically update or change your recorded legal decription or legal acreage. Please see Recorder's Office to make an official recordering to begin the legal description or acreage change.


Are section corner files filed with the Surveyor's Office?

Yes. Corner files also know as tie sheets are filed with the Surveyor's Office and made available from the Survey and Section Corner Viewer. See Utah State Code for more information.


My survey is on file with the Surveyor's Office, however my parcel boundary lines haven't change on the GIS parcel viewer?

Your survey is indeed on file and will show up in the Survey and Section Corner Viewer. However any changes the survey made to parcel boundary lines that differ from your original legal description, need to be addressed with the County Recorder. Surveys on file with the Surveyor's Office DO NOT automatically update or change your recorded legal decription or legal acreage. Please see Recorder's Office. If the survey is retracing your current legal boundary we will make every effort to adjust parcel boundary lines to match.


Where can I get a copy of my property description?

Your yearly tax notice will provide you with the book and page number of your recorded deed. A copy can be obtained from the Treasure's Office. Your tax notice has an abbreviated property description which must be compared to your recorded document.


Who can perform a survey?

All 50 states have laws requiring a Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) to assume legal responsibility of a land survey. A PLS must be licensed in the state where he/she is performing the land survey. Land Surveyors in Utah must be licensed, according to Utah State Code 17-23-1. The Professional Licensed Surveyor is a highly specialized individual, whose education, experience, and competence have been formally examined and licensed by the State Of Utah. Their conduct and the quality of their work are subject to a defined code of ethics. Visit the DOPL website for more information.


Can an engineer perform a survey?

NO. An engineer cannot perform boundary survey work unless he/she is also licensed as a land surveyor (LS).


Can a contractor perform a survey?

NO. A contractor cannot perform boundary survey work unless he/she is also licensed as a land surveyor (LS).


How do I locate a licensed land surveyor?

Recommendations by attorneys, real estate companies, and title companies are good sources. You may contact the Utah Council of Land Surveyor's, or check the classified section of the telephone directory under "Surveyors-Land".


Is a survey required by State Law when property is sold?

NO. Utah State Law does not require a survey to convey property.


Can the surveyor provide proof of ownership?

NO. Surveyors do not prove ownership, but make a professional judgement of what the records and facts indicate your ownership to be. The surveyor acts as a fact finder and assists the legal profession in making the final judgement of ownership.