This Division is composed of several different areas such as the Civil, Emergency Management, the Records, Evidence, Court Security, Court Bailiff, and Information Technologies (IT) Units.
For more information on the Support Services Division contact Lt. Doyle Peck:
Lieutenant Doyle Peck
Support Services Division
Email Lieutenant Doyle Peck

An important part of a criminal investigation is the evidence obtained from a crime scene. The deputy handling the scene must protect, preserve, and collect the evidence and then place it into a secure facility. The Cache County Sheriff's Office operates its evidence room with an evidence custodian.
It is her responsibility to see that the integrity of the evidence is preserved and is available for the deputy when needed. Evidence which is the personal property of another that is required for a court case may be returned to the owner after the following criteria are met:
- The case(s) for which the evidence is being used has been adjudicated (normally 30 days).
- All direct appeals and retrials are final.
- The owner of the property may legally possess it (questionable items may be drugs, firearms, any illegal items).
- The prosecuting attorney is satisfied the property is no longer needed.
- Proof of ownership and of lawfulness of the possession is satisfactory to the evidence custodian and/or deputy.
Found property is also stored in the evidence room. Unclaimed personal property includes personal property which comes into possession of a Deputy Sheriff or the Cache County Sheriff's Office and which remains unclaimed by any person identifying him/herself as the owner. The property custodian disposes of all unclaimed property after a minimum of ninety days of its receipt. A person who has found property and has surrendered it to the Cache County Sheriff's Office may have first opportunity to claim the property. An advertisement will be placed in an attempt to locate the lawful owner. If the owner is not located within ninety days of the advertisement, the person who surrendered the property has first claim to the property. A $10.00 per month storage fee may be charged on the property if stored at the Sheriff's Office or actual costs may be charged if stored at a commercial storage facility.
The Records Department is charged with keeping all records of the Sheriff's Office. Most records are kept on file for five years and some are retained indefinitely. The Records Department also maintains an array of technical and computer services. These services provide information for the entire office, supporting investigations and other activities.
Records Requests information:
- Completed requests may be submitted via email -
- Active reports are not available for release or review until they have been cleared.
- Any record not picked up within 60 days will be destroyed and payment will not be refunded.
- Incident reports and traffic accident reports are $10 per copy. Payment may be done online through the Cache County Sheriff's webpage.
- If unable to come to the office in person during office hours 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to complete the request process, please complete the Request for Records form and the Notarization form and email them to the above email address. Payment can be completed online through the CCSO webpage.
Your request for records will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Government Records Access Management Act (GRAMA) 63G-2-101 Utah Code Annotated. Your request will be processed as soon as reasonably possible, but may take up to 10 working days. Some records may contain information that is classified as 'protected', 'private' or 'controlled' and may only be released under certain circumstances. U.C.A.63G-2-302, 303, 304.
Records Request Form
Waiver to Release Information Form
Notarization Form to Verify Identification
Note: Cache County Sheriff's Office does not accept personal checks. For payment we do accept cash and credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard and Discover). When using a credit/debit card, an additional fee for processing the charge will apply. The credit/debit card fee is $1.75 for charges up to $50.00, $2.00 for charges $51.00 and over, $3.75 for charges $76.00 and over, and $5.75 for charges $101.00 and over.

The Cache County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue Team is comprised of 40 volunteers, who give of their time and personal assets to help those in need.
The team provides professional search and rescue services to the citizens and visitors to Cache County.
Team members train weekly and respond to an average of 50 rescue mission per year.
Cache County is 1164 square miles, with approximately two-thirds of the county being mountainous, and home to the Wellsville and Mount Naomi Wilderness areas.
The team is trained and proficient in technical (high angle) rescue, low angle rescue, winter rescue, avalanche rescue, ice rescue, swift water rescue, man-tracking and open area search, Boat operations, drone operations, wilderness first aid, K-9’s, GPS and map skills. As well as, being a designed EMT quick response team responder unit for the Cache County EMS authority.
The Cache County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue Team are certified and members of, MRA (Mountain Rescue Association) and NASAR (National Association of Search and Rescue).
The Search and Rescue team and its members are tested by these outside originations to meet national and international standards regarding search and rescue operations and technical abilities.
The Cache County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue respond 24 hours a day 7 days a week. When there is a call for help in our county, team members leave families, jobs, and recreation behind to help those in need. The Cache County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue do not charge for their services.
Join Search and Rescue
Thank you for your interest into Search and Rescue. In the state of Utah, Search and Rescue is a unit within each Sheriff's Office. In Cache County, Search and Rescue is a unit in our support services division, I am assigned as the SAR Commander, which is a Sergeant in our office structure.
Our Search and Rescue team members are all volunteer and not compensated for their time. The Office does provide limited equipment and uniforms; members use personal funds to purchase equipment as well.
Visitors are welcome to attend our monthly business meetings. Business meetings are held the first Thursday of each month, at our Search and Rescue Building located at the Cache-Logan airport. This is an opportunity to meet some of the team members, SAR administration, and myself. During this meeting we discuss the training and event schedule, which allows visitors to schedule visits to team training. However, the second part of the meeting is a team discussion on the SAR call outs, this is closed to the public due to the confidential nature of information discussed.
All members have to be 21 year of age, pass a background investigation, be of clean moral character, and dedicated to the service of their fellow citizens. Membership is limited to 40 members, at times the team is full, but applications are still accepted.
SAR team members train every Thursday night and respond to between 50 to 65 call outs per year. The team is a first response EMS team that responses to all back country medicals. Members are required to attend 75% of all training's and response to at least 50% of all call outs. Being a SAR member is a large time commitment. Those looking to place an application will undergo a few months of probate, where they are allowed to attend business meetings and non-field training, before submitting an application.
Certifications and skills that are evaluated and preferred on an application are: EMT certification, Wilderness first aid provider, NASAR Tech 2 certification, CPR certification, Avalanche Level 1, Swift Water rescue certification, Boat experience, OHV experience, winter skills, back country skiing, Orienteering, GPS and map skills, high angle and rope skills. These are a few things that will help when applying, we understand that depending on backgrounds a person may not have all these certifications and skills.
Dave Welker