Probation Unit

Cache County Sheriff's Office Probation Agent badgeWelcome to the Cache County Sheriff's Office Probation Unit!

The Cache County Sheriff’s Office Probation Unit's mission is to supervise offenders while providing for public safety. Agents will assist the probationer with skills and abilities through classes and treatment to encourage change. We seek to help individuals change for a lawful and successful future for the probationer, probationer’s family, and the community.

Cache County Sheriff’s Office Probation Unit started in 2020 in response to changing legislation and the need for more intense supervision with certain individuals who had started to slip through the cracks. The need was recognized and addressed by Sheriff D. Chad Jensen with the goal of helping individuals rehabilitate and stay out of the criminal justice system while also improving our local communities.

To reach our Probation Agents by phone dial 435.755.1200 or send an email.

To make online payments for Probation fees use the following link: