Applications period will open on January 9, 2025 and closes March 18 2025. Applications can be found online at
The next entry level hiring test will be on March 29, 2025 at 0830. All of our tests are given by application and invitation only.
The patrol deputies of the Cache County Sheriff’s Office are responsible for providing law enforcement services to a large area that includes many of the towns and cities in Cache Valley as well as the national forest lands. A patrol deputy’s primary duties are to respond to calls for service and spend time patrolling our communities. It is an exciting assignment that often includes the following responsibilities, as well as many more:
This position carries a significant amount of responsibility and commitment but is also incredibly rewarding. Our patrol deputies live in the areas they serve and are committed to keeping our communities safe, enjoyable places to live. We look for individuals of good character who are dependable, reasonable, knowledgeable, and who are skilled communicators. We rely on members of the community who have what it takes to join us in making a difference. Do you have what it takes?
Working in the Cache County Jail is a rewarding and challenging profession. Where patrol deputies are routinely seen throughout the valley, the deputies in the jail division serve behind the scenes in an equally critical role to provide community safety. Every day they work to provide a safe and secure environment for some of the most challenging members of the State of Utah.
The jail houses inmates from:
These individuals, while varying in their origins, all present a wide variety of challenges for a Cache County Jail Division Deputy. These deputies serve a wide variety of roles that go far beyond the description of "corrections deputy." The day of a corrections deputy may vary wildly from dealing with angry individuals who refuse to follow the rules obeyed by normal citizens to being a role model giving support and advice to someone trying to better themselves. Correction deputies become some of the best communicators and acquire crucial skills that will help them throughout their entire career.
Working in the Jail Division of the Cache County Sheriff’s Office provides deputies with many different job duties. Such work roles and titles include:
These different positions provide a variety of job assignments to keep a person interested and learning for many years. If working in a challenging environment while providing the needed security to our community sounds like an interesting career, then working in the Jail Division is for you!
How do I apply?
On Cache County's website at Applicant Pro.
Which items must be submitted before the application closing date and time?
What are the eligibility requirements for employment with the Sheriff's Office?
Sworn Positions
What are the disqualifying factors for potential applicants to POST?
The following conditions WILL disqualify you from being accepted into any law enforcement training academy or become employed, in a sworn position, with any public safety agency with the State of Utah:
The following conditions MAY disqualify you from being accepted into any law enforcement training academy or become employed, in a sworn position, with any public safety agency within the State of Utah:
For more detail on the legal requirements and disqualifying factors please visit the Utah POST website.
Legal Requirements:
Disqualifying Factors:
What does the Sheriff's Office deputy test consist of?
There are five tests administered on the testing date. **Testing times are approximate.**
A Frontline video practice test is available online at at a cost of $24.95.
Physical Test Requirements (SFO entry standard)
If I don't pass all of the testing requirements at one time will I have to start over again from the beginning?
The physical test can be retaken within 60 days of the original testing date. If you don't pass other portions of the test, then yes, you will have to start the entire process over again. At least 70% in each category is required to pass the Frontline Video test and the reading test.
I am certified in another state. Can I work as a law enforcement officer in Utah without going through another academy?
If you are presently working in another state as a peace officer, you may apply to take a waiver exam for peace officer certification in the State of Utah. Contact POST In-Service at (801) 256-2315 for an application packet, study material, and a date and time to take the exam. You will still have to go through and pass the Cache County Sheriff's Office testing process to be placed in the hiring pool.
What is the starting pay?
Certified Deputy – Academy graduate: $24.30.
What benefits are offered?
Cache County offers health, dental, vision, and pension benefits (25 years for sworn, 35 years for civilians).
Will I be able to work for Cache County Sheriff's Office if I have tattoos or body piercings?
The Sheriff's Office does have a grooming policy and adherence to this policy is expected. Tattoos may not be visible while an employee is in uniform. Men may not wear piercings while on duty unless approved for covert operations. Facial hair, except for a well-trimmed mustache, is prohibited. Women may only wear one pair of small hoops or posts in their ears while on duty.
How does this all work? Explain the hiring process to me from start to finish.
There are several steps in the hiring process. Participation or successful completion of any phase does not guarantee an offer of employment. You will be notified in person if a position is offered.
Why do you need all this private information for a background check? How in depth is this check? What if I have a juvenile record? What if I tried marijuana? Will these things disqualify me from working here?
No one is perfect – everyone has had a lapse in judgment and has made mistakes. However, when you work as a public servant, you are held to a higher standard. Members of the Cache County Sheriff's Office are held to this higher standard of behavior. Utah POST has a list of disqualifying factors for sworn officers. Along with the disqualifying factors for the POST academy, the Sheriff's Office also has the following disqualifiers.
Juvenile and expunged records are not exempt from the background investigation. Full disclosure of all criminal history incidents, whether they happened as a juvenile or have been expunged, is expected.
Is it true what they say, "It's not what you know but who you know?"
Not really, but be proactive about getting to know the organization and the employees who work there. Please note – Cache County Corporation does have a nepotism policy in place which the Sheriff's Office must adhere to.
Do you house males or females in the jail?
The Cache County Sheriff's Office operates the county jail which houses both males and females.
What do you mean by shift work?
The Cache County Sheriff's Office is a 24-hour, 365 day/year operation. Employees may work 8, 10, or 12-hour shifts, depending on assignment, and are required to rotate through the shifts during the year.
An example of a typical shift may be: Day Shift – 6 am to 2 pm; Swing Shift – 2 pm to 10 pm; Grave Shift – 10 pm to 6 am
In exigent circumstances and to facilitate the effective management of the office, the shifts may change from 8-hour shifts to 12-hour shifts.
Is there a difference between a jail deputy and a road deputy?
Yes. There are different certifications for each area. Jail deputies must have SFO and BCO certification. Patrol (road) deputies must have SFO and LEO certification. The Sheriff’s Office may give preference to applicants who have all three certifications.
What do these acronyms stand for?
Law Enforcement Exploring prepares young men and women for a career in law enforcement by providing educational training on the duties, concepts, purpose, and objectives of the law enforcement profession. The program provides experiences in leadership, career orientation, and community service. The purpose of the program is to help young adults choose a career path within law enforcement and to challenge them to become responsible citizens of their communities and nation. The Cache County Sheriff’s Explorer Program embraces a community service attitude, professionalism, and ethical behavior in all of its members. Through regular meeting attendance, service, training, and practical experiences, Explorers develop character, citizenship, patriotism, physical fitness, and confidence.
The Cache County Sheriff’s Explorer Program is open to young adults, ages 14 through 20, who have graduated the 8th grade, or have a high school diploma/GED. Membership is competitive and is not guaranteed.
Candidates must also meet the following requirements:
This application will be part of a detailed investigation of your background. Type or print answers legibly in BLACK INK ONLY. If you need additional space to answer a question, use an additional sheet of paper and attach it to the back of the application. Please do not leave any areas blank. If an area does not apply to you, type or write “N/A” (not applicable) in the space provided. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Your ability to follow instructions accurately and in a timely manner is a part of the background investigation process. Please note that all items covered on this list are your responsibility to obtain.
A lateral transfer is an application process used by our offfice to potentially hire current employees and fulltime peace officers working for another agency.
Currently serving peace officers and deputies often desire to transfer to the Cache County Sheriff's Office because of the variety of career paths available, great benefits, generous amounts of paid leave, and great work environment. Our Lateral Transfer Hiring Policy helps speed up the process.
Law Enforcement Officers currently working for another agency who qualify under our Lateral Transfer Hiring policy will be considered for a direct hire and may be exempted from the pre-employment examination process. Applications for a lateral transfer will be accepted at any time.
Applicants who are interested or have questions in this process should contact Sheriff Jensen at