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Enjoy browsing the Cache County Sheriff's Office General Information to find information and find answers questions that you can find nowhere else.

Looking for a prescription drug drop-off box? There is one located in our office on the first floor right inside the main doors. Other locations are City Offices in Hyde Park, Hyrum, Providence, and Richmond as well as Logan Police Department, North Park Police Department, Logan City Police Department, and Smithfield City Police Department.


You should only call 911 for emergencies, such as if you are trying to save a life, stop a crime, or report a fire. In Cache County, Utah, if you have a non-emergency purpose for contacting dispatch, call 753-7555.

Accidentally dialing 911

If you accidentally dial 911, stay on the line instead of hanging up. You can let the dispatcher know that you accidentally called. If you do hang up, the dispatcher will call you back to check on you and to make sure that there is not an emergency.

When you are calling 911

When you are calling 911, there will be some information that the dispatcher will request. The first thing will be the address where the emergency is occurring. After you give the address, continue to answer any questions that the dispatcher might have. While you are answering more questions, help will be on the way.

You may be asked any of the following

  • What emergency are you calling about?
  • What is your name and general information about you?
  • When did the incident occur?
  • What is the suspect's description, including race, sex, clothing, hair color, facial hair, eyeglasses, hat, height, weight, etc.?
  • What is the suspect's vehicle's description, including make, model, color, and license plate number?
  • What is the suspect's direction of travel? If you don’t know compass directions, pick out landmarks in the direction the suspect headed.
  • Provide as much detail as possible.
  • Do you want the police to contact you?


In Cache County, Utah, if you have a non-emergency purpose for contacting dispatch, call 435-753-7555. Some non-emergency reasons for calling dispatch include: request for a VIN inspection, a loud music complaint, a barking dog, a parking complaint, etc . . .

The Cache County Sheriff's Office is committed to providing the best service possible to the citizens of Cache County. There are times that our employees, policy and procedures are stellar but, unfortunately, there may be situations in which individuals feel that actions taken by an employee or Sheriff's Office policy and procedure were inappropriate. In either situation, the individual(s) involved may want to file a compliment or a complaint with the office.


Who can file a complaint?

Any person who feels they have information regarding inappropriate conduct on the part of an Office employee may file a complaint.


Do I have to give my name?

The Office will accept anonymous complaints. These are, however, difficult to investigate effectively unless the Office Is provided with sufficient information to identify a specific incident or course of conduct. In addition we will not be able to give you feedback unless we have your contact information.


How do I submit a complaint?

Complaints can be filed in person, by phone (435) 755-1000, ask for the division commander), in writing, or on our website.



Professional Standards Sergeant
Cache County Sheriff's Office
1225 W. Valley View, Suite 200
Logan, UT 84321


Who will I need to talk to?

If you come into the Office or contact us by phone, you will be directed to an Office supervisor. If you submit your complaint in writing or our website, you will be contacted by an Office supervisor.


Why do I need to talk to a supervisor?

You will be contacted by a supervisor so that the Office has the information it needs to effectively investigate your complaints, to explain how the Investigation process works, and to answer any questions you might have.


What will I be asked to do?

The person assigned to investigate your complaint will want to interview you to make sure they have all of the necessary information and you will be asked to provide a written statement.


Who investigates complaints?

All complaints are forwarded to the appropriate division commander. Depending upon the nature of the complaint, the division commander will either conduct the investigation personally or assign it to an Office supervisor.


How long does the investigation take?

Office policy requires that once begun, investigations are completed within 30 business days. Under certain circumstances (for example, a witness is unavailable), the time period may be extended.


How will I know what happens?

The supervisor or administrator investigation your complaint will contact you at the conclusion of the investigation. If the Investigation takes more than two or three weeks, you will be periodically updated on the status of your complaint. You will also be provided with contact information for the investigator assigned to your complaint.


What will happen to the employee?

Employees who are found to have violated Office policy or state law may be disciplined, demoted. suspended, or terminated depending upon the severity of the violation.


What do I do if I need more Information that is contained here?

Just call the main phone number for the Office 435-755-1000 and ask for the Professional Standards sergeant. If the sergeant is unavailable, just ask to speak to an available supervisor.


The Cache County Sheriff's Office has joined the Northern Utah Critical Incident Investigation Team. This team is a cooperative effort between the sheriff's offices and police departments from Box Elder, Cache, and Rich counties. Pursuant to Utah Code 76-2-408, our policy and procedures regarding our response to a critical incident are as follows:


A. Critical Incident Investigative Protocol: An agreement entered into with agencies in Box Elder, Cache, and Rich County that provides uniform procedures and mutually agreed-upon guidelines for the investigation of Officer Involved Critical Incidents.

B. Officer Involved Critical Incident: An incident occurring in Box Elder County, Cache County and/or Rich County involving a law enforcement employee of a law enforcement agency located in Box Elder County, Cache County, and/or Rich County including but not limited to the following:

1. Any intentional or accidental shooting directed at a person, whether or not a fatality results.

2. Any intentional or accidental use of any other weapon or force against another person, whether or not a fatality results.

3. Any physical altercations, mutual combat, or domestic violence in which the law enforcement employee is acting in the capacity of a private citizen and occurs within the jurisdiction of his or her employer.

4. Any fatal injury, whether intentionally or accidentally caused, which results from the use of a motor vehicle by a law enforcement employee while on-duty or off-duty in a government vehicle.

5. Any fatality of any person who is in law enforcement custody, excluding deaths that are the result of disease, natural causes, or conditions which have been diagnosed prior to death.

6. Any fatality that results from the efforts of a law enforcement employee attempting to affect an arrest or otherwise gain physical control of another.

C. Law Enforcement Employee: This protocol applies to defined employees and to certain other people affiliated with law enforcement agencies, which are members of this protocol agreement as follows:

1. Full-time, part-time, and hourly sworn officers; whether on or off duty and acting for a law enforcement or a private purpose at the time of the incident.

2. Full-time, non-sworn employees on duty at the time of the incident.

3. Part-time, non-sworn employees on duty at the time of the incident.

4. Reserve law enforcement employees and law enforcement agency volunteers, whether paid or unpaid, on duty at the time of the incident. This category includes informants when they are working under direct control and supervision of a peace officer.

D. Actor: A law enforcement employee who uses force.

E. Subject: The person (injured or not), whose conduct resulted in the law enforcement employee using deadly force, and who may or may not have criminal culpability related to the incident.

F. Law Enforcement Officers use of deadly force: As described in Utah Code 76-2-404.

G. Venue Agency: The agency or agencies, within whose geographical jurisdiction the incident occurs.

H. Employer Agency: The agency that the involved law enforcement employee is employed by or affiliated with. (The employer and venue agency may be one in the same.)

I. Criminal Investigators: Investigators from protocol member agencies assigned by the Unified Command to conduct the investigation of the incident.

J. Administrative Investigators: Investigators assigned by the employer agency to conduct the administrative investigation.

K. Unified Command: The department head or designee of the venue agency, employer agency, the County Attorney of jurisdiction, and the Operations Section Chief working in partnership to provide leadership and direction for the incident.

L. Operations Section Chief: The operations section chief is designated as the full time investigator employed by the Cache County Attorney’s Office. If the full time investigator is not available the operations section chief will be an investigator designated by the Box Elder County Attorney’s Office or by the Rich County Attorney’s Office. The operations section chief will assist in the designation of the lead investigator and will be responsible for the first-line management of the criminal investigation.


A. Automatic and immediate. Upon the use of deadly force by a law enforcement employee, the Northern Utah Critical Incident Investigative Team Protocol is automatically enacted. The venue agency is required to immediately contact the County Attorney’s Office in which the venue agency is located and affirmatively invoke the protocol.

B. Optional. Each member agency in the capacity of a venue agency or employer agency, may itself invoke the protocol upon occurrence of any critical incident involving a law enforcement employee, which may have possible criminal liability attached to the law enforcement employee. The County Attorney of jurisdiction may decline to participate in optional invocations.


To properly recognize and accommodate the various interests and the various rules of law which may be involved in an incident, investigations of these matters may be performed under two separate investigative formats: the criminal investigation and the administrative employer agency.

A. Criminal Investigation

1. Designation of Investigators

a. The criminal investigation that commences pursuant to the invocation of this protocol has priority over any parallel administrative investigation.

b. Upon invocation of this protocol, members of the Unified Command and the Operations Section Chief will select a Lead Investigator to manage the criminal investigation.

c. The Operations Section Chief will be the full-time investigator from the Cache County Attorney’s Office, unless one is unavailable. In the event the full-time investigator is unavailable, a selection of a backup investigator from either the Box Elder or Rich County Attorney’s Office will be made by the Unified Command to establish an Operations Section Chief.

d. The Lead Investigator will be from a non-involved Agency and may be made without respect to the rank or title of the other investigators participating in the investigation. The Lead Investigator’s Agency will be the official keeper of the record.

e. The Operations Section Chief and Lead Investigator will be responsible for the first-line management of the criminal investigation including the assembly and assignment of Protocol Investigators.

f. Upon request, member agencies should provide, if available, investigators with experience and/or training in critical investigations.

2. Venue Determination

a. When an incident occurs in part in two or more jurisdictions, each of those jurisdictions is a venue agency.

b. When an incident occurs on the boundary of two jurisdictions, or under circumstances that make determination of the Venue Agency difficult or in dispute, the County Attorney of jurisdiction shall be the authority to resolve jurisdictional issues.

c. If an in-custody death occurs, the Venue Agency is that agency within whose geographical jurisdiction the act occurred. If the death appears to be from disease, natural causes, or conditions that have been medically diagnosed prior to the person’s death and there is no apparent intentional or accidental conduct involved in the cause of death as determined by the geographical jurisdictional agency, the Venue Agency becomes that agency having custody of the deceased person when the distress was first discovered.

3. Scene Security

a. The Venue Agency has the initial responsibility for immediately securing the scene of an officer-involved critical incident. Once established, the Unified Command may change responsibility for scene security as necessary and assign a Protocol Investigator as Scene Command.

b. An inner perimeter should be established as soon as possible and only those persons with a bona fide investigative or medical service responsibility shall enter this area.

c. The following crime scene practices will be adhered to:

1. Emergency life-saving measures have first priority.

2. Control the scene to prevent further injury or criminal activity.

3. Identify, locate, preserve, and maintain chain of custody of physical evidence.

4. Ensure that no evidentiary items are removed from the scene or disturbed without the approval of the Operations Section Chief.

5. Loose weapons should be left in place, not altered, and guarded until the Operations Section Chief directs removal.

6. If exigent circumstances exist that make removing loose weapons from the scene necessary for public safety all efforts will be made to either photograph the weapon(s) in place and/or establish their location with reference to other fixed points.

7. Weapons discharged by a law enforcement employee in an officer involved critical incident that are still in their possession shall be treated as evidence. The law enforcement employee’s weapon(s) should only be transferred to another person when it can be done without compromising officer safety, and the integrity of the weapon as evidence can be preserved. Unless necessary for safety, no attempt shall be made to change the condition of the weapon(s).

8. It is recommended that the involved law enforcement employees be photographed as soon as practical to document their appearance at the time of the critical incident.

9. Additional evidence, witness interviews, and other investigative requirements will be conducted in accordance with standard investigative practices and protocols.

4. Notifications

The Venue Agency shall make the following notifications as soon as possible:

a. Intra-department officers as required by the agency’s procedures.

b. The Employer Agency, if applicable and if not yet aware.

c. The County Attorney of jurisdiction or his designee.

d. The Medical Examiner upon confirmation of a fatality consistent with the requirements of Utah Code Section 26 Chapter 4.

5. Transporting and Sequestering of Involved Law Enforcement Employees

a. Law enforcement employees who were present at the scene at the time of an Officer Involved Critical Incident will be relieved of their duties at the scene as soon as possible and removed to a location as directed by Unified Command. Officers from the Venue Agency not involved in the incident shall be assigned to accompany the involved law enforcement employee(s) and remain with them to ensure their privacy, accommodate their needs, and preserve the integrity of each officer’s statement.

b. Involved law enforcement employees should not discuss the facts of the incident with any other involved party.

6. Involved Law Enforcement Employee Interviews

a. Involved law enforcement employees should be interviewed between 24 and 48 hours following the incident. At the request of the involved law enforcement employee the interview may be held earlier. Employees have the same rights and privileges as citizens, including the right to legal counsel prior to the interview and the right to have their lawyer present during the interview.

b. Involved law enforcement employee’s interviews should be conducted outside the presence of the employing agency to avoid confusion of a compelled interview. If the Involved law enforcement employee wishes to have a support person who is from the employer agency that support person will define their role as such.

c. Public safety statements can be compelled without an attorney to determine if an immediate safety concern exists. The statement should be limited to information such as injuries, suspects, direction of travel, estimated number of rounds fired, and the direction they were fired, and any other essential information. Only one assigned officer should get a public safety statement from the law enforcement employee involved in the incident.

d. Any corresponding administrative investigation shall be conducted by the employer agency.

7. Intoxicant Testing

a. Law enforcement employees have the same rights and privileges as citizens regarding intoxicant testing.

b. If investigators determine that the law enforcement employee’s sobriety is relevant to the investigation they may obtain a sample through consent or a search warrant.

c. The Employer Agency may require the law enforcement employee to submit to intoxicant testing in accordance with their specific City or Department policy. This should be conducted as part of the Administrative Investigation.

d. The law enforcement employee can voluntarily request to submit to testing.

8. Briefing and Reports

A briefing with involved agencies will be held within 10 business days with the County Attorney’s office. Reports will be submitted in a reasonable time thereafter.

9. Evidence

a. If the matter is concluded with the filing of criminal charges, all items of evidence shall be maintained by the Venue Agency and held in accordance with its procedures for disposing of evidence.

b. If no criminal charges are filed, the evidence shall be released to the Employer Agency and maintained by it in accordance with its procedures for disposing of evidence.

B. Administrative Investigation

1. The initiation of an administrative investigation and the extent of that investigation is solely the responsibility of the Employer Agency.

2. If the Employer Agency assigns administrative investigators they should identify themselves to the Operations Section Chief as soon as possible.

3. In addition to gathering the information for the Employer Agency, administrative investigators should act as a liaison between the Operations Section Chief and the Employer Agency.

4. Compelled interview statements, physical evidence, toxicology test results, and investigative leads that are obtained by administrative investigators shall not be revealed to criminal investigators without the prior approval of the County Attorney following a determination of need and evaluation of the applicable law.

5. The Operations Section Chief will periodically brief the administrative investigators on the progress of the criminal investigations. They will have access to briefing, the incident scene, physical evidence, and witness statements and reports.

6. The County Attorney will provide the Employer Agency with the findings of fact as soon as possible.


A. The interests of the news media must be balanced with the requirements of the investigations and with the rights of the involved individuals.

B. Any agency may make statements to the media about an incident, but the following guidelines are recommended:

1. The Department head or designee of the Venue Agency should be the single point of media information until the matter is referred to the County Attorney. Prior to any information being shared with the media, the Venue Agency shall consult with the County Attorney.

2. The Operations Section Chief will provide the Venue Agency with sufficient information to issue a press release.

3. Other participants in the investigation should refrain from making separate press releases or discussing the investigation with the press without coordinating with the Unified Command.

Incidents that have had Cache County Sheriff's Deputies dispatched will display below. You can use the drop-down box to select viewing of the last 24, 48, 72 hours or the last 7 days. Do not use this page unless you understand and agree to Terms of Use. To see the terms of use click here.


Jr Deputy Badge

The Cache County Sheriff’s Office is always asking for help from the public and the citizens of Cache County to help solve and prevent crimes. The deputies can’t be everywhere and that is why we have neighborhood watch groups. They help us by watching what is going on in there neighborhoods and then reporting it to us.


As a Junior Deputy, we ask the younger citizens of the community to also be aware of what is going on around them and reporting bad things they see to their parents, a teacher or an adult they know and can trust.

If you are 12 years old or younger and live in Cache County and would like to be a Cache County Junior Deputy Sheriff, have your parents help you fill out the form below, press Submit Name, print off the certificate that shows up, and bring it to the Sheriff’s Office and you will receive a Junior Deputy Badge.


Make Payments Simply

Cache County now accepts credit and debit card payments through GovPayNet. Payments can be made with a major credit, debit, or prepaid debit card including:

Payments can be made for:

  • Cash Bail
  • Probation Fees
  • Civil
  • All other payments to Sheriff's Office

 To make a payment click on one of the following:

                CIVIL                                     BAIL                                PROBATION

Payments can be made here for all payments to the Sheriff's Office



Child and Family Support Center

Child and Family Support Center

The Child & Family Support Center has a mission of Strengthening Families and Protecting Children. They are also licensed by the State of Utah as a Crisis/Respite Care Nursery serving both Cache and Rich Counties. Go to Child & Family Support Center web site.




Utah Special Olympics

Special Olympics is made up of passionate, committed individuals from every walk of life, who recognize the value and unique gifts of people with intellectual disabilities. And who, together, share the common belief in dignity, equality and opportunity for ALL people. Go to Special Olympics Utah's web site.




Cache County Sheriff's Deputy Association

The mission of the Cache County Sheriff's Deputies Association is to render aid to Cache County Sheriff’s Deputies and their families while supporting other community and law enforcement organizations with financial support.



Utah Sheriff's Association

The Utah Sheriffs' Association is a professional and educational organization dedicated to the peace and protection of the lives and property of the citizens of Utah. Go to Utah Sheriff's Association web site.


March 27, 2015 ~ Recently, the Utah Sheriff's Association sent out letters inviting Cache County residents to purchase honorary memberships of the Association. Sheriff Chad Jensen is a member of the Utah Sheriff's Association, and the funds raised from your membership dues "will be used by the Association to speak up and act on behalf of citizens of aggressively initiate public safety efforts." Donations also help fund training for officers, scholarships for criminal justice students, and public safety education. This is a legitimate organization and the letter is sanctioned by Sheriff Jensen. If you feel so inclined, your donation would be greatly appreciated.


This website is provided as part of an ongoing effort by Cache County Sheriff's Office to make government records available to the public. These records are entered as accurately and timely as possible, however, please remember:

  • The contents of this website are provided for informational purposes only. The contents of this page should not be considered suitable for use on any legal documents, or as an adequate source for any news reports.
  • This unofficial roster is not updated more often than six times per hour. Often it is updated less frequently.
  • Neither Cache County, the Cache County Sheriff's Office, Cache County Information Systems, nor any other Cache County entity guarantees the accuracy of any information on this website. The information on the Cache County website is provided "AS IS", with no warranties whatsoever. Cache County disclaims any warranties for the information on this website, including, without limitation, reliability, timeliness, accuracy, or performance of this website.
  • You understand and agree that you access or obtain information or data from this website at your own discretion and Cache County will not be liable to anyone on account of your use or misuse or reliance on any information, data, or services provided by the Cache County website.
  • This page should not be considered an official record. Official records are kept by the Cache County Sheriff's Office. If this website does not agree with the official records in any way, the official record should be considered accurate.
  • For more information concerning the official record, please contact the Cache County Sheriff's Office. All access requests will be handled in accordance with the Utah Government Records Access Management Act (GRAMA).
  • You affirm that the booking photograph will not be placed in a publication or posted to a website that requires the payment of a fee or other consideration in order to remove or delete the booking photograph from the publication or website. (See Utah Code 17-22-30.)
  • Your use of this webpage, or any printed works derived from this webpage will be considered your agreement to these "Terms of Use".

This is an unofficial Bookings Roster. Do not use this page unless you understand and agree to Terms of Use. To see the terms of use, click here.

You can get to the booking photographs by clicking on the "Download Booking Image" link, filling out the signature form and submitting.

If you would like to check Utah Department of Public Safety for Statewide Warrants . . . click here

If you would like to see the Current Inmate List: Who's in Jail? . . . click here


Notice: The Cache County Sheriff’s Office may no longer distribute jail/booking photos; therefore, they are no longer available to download. The Utah State Legislature changed the state code in the 2021 Legislative session with House Bill 228 “Jail Photo Distribution Prohibition”.