Active Aging

Growing older has been redefined! Many of us will spend decades in a new phase of life where we continue to learn, grow, and contribute. How will YOU spend that time? A senior center is ALL about being active, healthy, and having fun!

Come and make new friends. Try something new or enjoy something familiar. Have lunch. Start a new hobby or take a class. Contribute. Use a computer or play a game. Write your masterpiece. Health promotion and health education are all about enjoying life. Stay active on our fitness equipment. Join us for a fun hike in the summer months. Try a new exercise routine at the center and learn healthy and safe movement with Yoga and Tai Chi. Join our art or ceramic group or even our field trips! There is so much to do at the senior center. We invite you to look at the newsletter and check out all the activities for the month.

To participate in most Senior Center activities:

You must be 60 years of age or older
Or you must be the spouse of someone 60 years of age or older

To participate in most Health Promotion activities:

You must be 60 years of age or older

Other requirements vary depending on the specific activity. Contact the program coordinator at 435-755-1726 for additional details.
Come and find your place with us today!