Road Closures

Construction Closures

Please click here to read about the road closure for 2400 West.  ***This road closure will be extended through Tuesday, September 10, 2024***


Seasonal Access Restrictions for County Roads

Cache County Council has determined that it is both necessary and appropriate for the County to place seasonal restrictions and close some county roads to motorized vehicles. These closures are to protect public safety, reduce maintenance costs, maintain water quality, and prevent erosion during snowy and icy conditions late fall through spring.

The following County roads will be closed with locked gates. The dates show the earliest date a road will open to motorized vehicles in the spring and date the road will close in the fall. The spring opening date may be extended based on road conditions and snow. Click here for road locations.

Roads Scheduled to open April 15th and close November 15.

3200 West (Old Canyon Road & 8500 South) - Open

  • This road provides access from Old Canyon road to Mount Pisgah Road. The gate closure will be at the north end at Old Canyon Road. No gate is required on the south end due to Mount Pisgah also being closed at the same time.

Birch Canyon Lower - Open

  • This road provides access up Birch Canyon. The gate closure will be at the bottom gate. Additional gates located up higher in the canyon will also be closed by the Forest Service and Private owners.

Gnehm Road (3400 North) - Open

  • This road is a gravel road that starts in North Logan at 1600 East and 3400 North and loops up near the base of the mountains and then turns into Hyde Park Canyon. The closure is a small portion of the road located in the middle of the loop. There is a gate located at both ends of the closure.

High Creek Canyon Road - Open

  • This road provides access up High Creek Canyon. The gate closure will be at the bottom of High Creek Canyon at approximately 12900 East where the gravel road begins. Additional gates located up higher in the Canyon will also be closed by the Forest Service.

Ivan's Hollow Road - Open

  • This road is a short section of gravel road located northeast of Richmond. The road will be gated at the bottom near High Creek Road and at the top near Upper High Creek Road.

Mount Pisgah Road - Open

  • This road runs from US 89/91 near Sardine Summit east to Paradise. The road will be gated from the east side if the intersection of 2400 West and the west side near US 89/91.

Short Divide Road - Open

  • This road runs from Clarkston to the Box Elder County line. This road is closed both in Cache County and Box Elder County. The gate closure is Cache County is located at approximately 9200 West and 9950 North at the Clarkston City Limits. The gate located in Box Elder County is closed by Box Elder County.

Smithfield Dry Canyon Road - Open

  • This road is used to access Smithfield Dry Canyon. The gate is located at the bottom of the Canyon near the Smithfield City limits where the gravel road begins.

South Canyon Road - Open

This road runs from Avon to the Weber County line. The gate on the Cache County side is located approximately 2 miles south of Avon. This closure also affects other mountain roads such as Three Mile Canyon, Davenport Road, Flint Grove, and Blue Bell Mine. There is a gate located in Weber County that is closed by Weber County.

Roads Scheduled to open June 1st and close October 1.

Three Mile Creek - Open

  • This road is located west of Mendon at the end of 600 North and warrants earlier closure due to severe erosion of poor soils and excessive maintenance of roadway.