Recording and Processing Standards

The Cache County Recorder may adopt policies and procedures governing the office of the Cache County Recorder that do not conflict with Utah Code Section 17-21 or the rules made by the County Recorder Standards Board under Utah Code Section 63C-30-202. (Utah Code 17-21-1(4))

The Utah Association of County Recorders created a Standards Committee on December 19th, 2022. The UAC Recorders Standards Committee determines best practices, prepares standards, and presents them for approval by a majority of the Association members. Standards receiving a 75% approval by a quorum of Association members become a standard of the Association.

The County Recorder Standards Board was created by the State Legislature on May 3rd, 2023. (63C-30-201) The County Recorder Standards Board makes rules that establish statewide standards for county recorders to eliminate inconsistencies and promote uniformity throughout the state with respect to services provided by a county recorder. (63C-30-202)

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