Caleb Smith (GIS Specialist I)
Caleb has been employed at Cache County since 2024. Since that time he has continued to update many of the County's GIS data layers that are fed into the County's web maps that are part of the County's corner stone web GIS.
Caleb's duties include working with the cities and their GIS endeavors, updating the County's web mapping, and creating custom tools and widgets to better the lives of all.
Caleb is a 2020 graduate from Brigham Young University with a B.S. in Geography: Geospatial Science and Technology.
Cherie Davis (GIS Specialist III)
Cherie has been employed at Cache County since 2014. Since that time she has continued to update many of the County's GIS data layers that are fed into the County's web maps that are part of the County's corner stone web GIS.
Cherie's duties include filing/fee collection and COGO“ing of Records of Survey, Section Corner Tie Sheet creation, Annexation COGO“ing, Voting Precinct updates that are fed into the State's VISTA program, mapping of FEMA-LOMA Floodplain Letters, creation of Planning Commission Maps, Mapping Canal Alignments and Canal Inventories with their accompanying Water Service Areas, and last but not least georeferencing Hydrographic maps.
Cherie is a 2012 graduate from Utah State University with a BFA in Graphic Design. She previously worked for the Utah Association of Conservation Districts and Natural Resource Conservation Service.

Seneca Francis (GIS Specialist III)
Seneca has been employed at Cache County since 2014. Since that time she has continued to build the GIS parcel layer that has been fed into the County's corner stone web GIS.
Seneca's duties include maintaining the parcel layer in conjunction with the Recorder, along with those geometry updates comes updates to other attributes that live within the parcel layer, subdivision polygon and attribute creation, county and city zoning updates, county fair maps, visitor bureau, RAPZ tax maps, georeferencing the 1970 and 1978 recorder plats along with the original surveyor maps and other random projects.
Seneca is a 2013 graduate from Utah State University with a B.S. in Geography. Previously she worked for Utah State University in the Remote Sensing and GIS Lab.

Cary Jenkins (GIS Administrator)
Cary has been employed at Cache County since 2008. Since that time he has built an enterprise GIS from the ground up and has intergrated ArcGIS Online and the recently new buzz called Web GIS. Web GIS has allowed Cache County to properly manage all their geographic knowledge. At the heart of Web GIS is a mapcentric content management system, which allows many County personnel to access and edit the spatial information that facilitates better decision making.
Cary's duties include the coordination of GIS efforts for various departments including, Development Services, Public Works, Assessor, Recorder, Clerk, Treasurer, Fire District, Attorney, Fair and Rodeo, Sheriff, Surveyor and Visitors Bureau.
Cary is a 2006 graduate from Utah State University with a B.S. in Geography. He also enjoyed a GIS internship with Logan City before graduating from USU.