Fee Schedule

Fees may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis. Any additional fees may be assessed based on the need for external consulting or engineering review as approved by the Director of Development Services or their designee.




GIS Parcel Summary Tool $0
Zoning Clearances  
   Primary Use $75
   Accessory Use $30
   Special Event $75
Conditional Use Permit $600
Rezone $600
Resort Recreation Development $15,000
   Staff Review $700
   Plat Review $600 + $60/lot or parcel
   Engineering, as required $300
Subdivision Amendment  
   Staff Review $660
   Plat Review $600 + $60/lot or parcel
   Engineering, as required $300
Amendment to the Ordinance or General Plan $600
Board of Adjustments Application (Variance or Appeal) $300
Encroachment Permit  
   Minor Work $50
   Major Work $750 ($250 fee and $500 deposit)
Engineering Review  
   Subdivision  $300
   Conditional Use Permit Fee as determined
   Infrastructure Inspections 4% of construction bond
Extension of Land Use Approval $225
Agricultural Protection Area $450
Floodplain Permit $25
Record of Survey $20/sheet
Annexation Review $750





Application Review 1  
   Commercial <5M $1,000
   Commercial >5M $2,500
Plan Review  
   Residential 1/10 of 1% of the Building Permit Base Fee (Min. $20)
   Commercial 65% of Building Permit Base Fee 2
Building Permit  
   Structure As established by the 1997 Uniform Building Code: Table 1A (Building Permit Base Fees) 3
   Plumbing $7.00 per fixture (residential)
   Mechanical $15 per unit (residential)
   Electrical $0.04 per square foot of structure (residential)
Electrical/Mechanical Replacement Service $40.40
1 At the time the Building Permit is sold, the total Building Permit Fee is reduced by this amount.
2 May be reduced by the Chief Building Official based on the size and scope of the project.
3 Valuation amounts shall be set by square foot and reviewed annually by the Chief Building Official.

GIS and Printing



GIS Programming $50/hour ($25 min.)
Copies B&W / Color
   8.5 x 11 $0.25 / $1
   11 x 17 $1.50 / $3
   24 x 36 $10 / $20
   36 x 48 $20 / $40
   42 x 60 $27.50 / $55


Public Works 



Land Disturbance Permit&  
   Per month  $40
   Per year    $480
   Minimum fee for Single Family Dwelling (7 mo.)        $280
Road Standard Design Exception  $80

Printable Fee Schedule